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1 курс 1 семестр / шпоры / английский / 2_The_Lecture_of_Muscles

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The Lecture of Muscles+

The names of all the muscles in the body and all other anatomical terms were established at three Congresses in Basel, Jena and Paris in 19 century. The body is composed of about 600 skeletal muscles. In the adult about 35-40 per cent of the body weight is formed by the muscles. According to the basic parts of the skeleton all the muscles are divided into the muscles of the trunk, head and extremities.

All the muscles are divided into three basic groups: long, short and wide muscles; the free extremities are formed by the long muscles; wide muscles lay on the trunk; the walls of the body cavities are formed by wide muscle.

Some muscles are called according to the structure of their fibers, radiated muscles, extensors and oblique.

As to the structure of the muscles they are formed by a mass of muscle calls, the muscular fibers, the blood vessels and the nerves.

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